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Names Of Opera Singers

What singing and copywriting has to do with each other?


First I must ask you: who is your favourite singer?

Next question: Why?

If you don’t get it yet, who ever it might be, he/she makes you FEEL something. And feeling is exactly what you are looking for when you write your copy. Make your reader FEEL something, anything, and you’re halfway there! It doesn’t make any difference if singer doesn’t know all techniques and tricks. All that matters is how they grab their audience and what feelings they awake.

Opera, rock, pop, country, you name it, and it really doesn’t make any difference. Only difference is how singer feels when performing. And in some "magical" way they seem to influence their audience with that exact feeling!

You know, basically there are two kinds of singers:

A. Technical singers. They sing effortlessly. They have dedicated their life to study singing. They know how to use voice so it won’t strain, they know proper breathing technique, they warm-up before singing and cool-down after singing. They keep their voice in shape; they don’t smoke or drink because they value their voice too much to ruin it. And when they sing they touch your soul…you feel like you are touched by an angel…They are true professionals…Amazing grace how sweet the sound…

B. Loud-mouths. Let’s ROCK! They scream and shout! When these singers hit the high notes you think veins in their throat explode! They have developed their own style of doing things, they have their own little tricks, and that’s why they usually sound very personal. They don’t stay perfectly in tune and they don’t care because when they climb on stage, crowd goes wild!

Now I ask you: Which one do you think will do better?

A. Technical singers

B. Loud-mouths

And the answer is: both of them! A and B !


1. Loud-mouths have their audience; technical singers have their audience. And without audience who’s interested there is no successful artist! What I mean is: Will a punk-singer go and perform to audience that’s full of opera fans and critics?


Will an opera-singer go and sing “O sole mio” and do some stage-diving to audience of black- dressed punk-fans. (I would love to see Luciano Pavarotti doing this)

...And if you don’t understand that answer is NO, this is not going to help.

2. Why people go to their concerts and buy their albums? What’s making them buy? What is that mysterious "something?" Do they just climb on the stage, grab the microphone and make audience fall in love?

Is it then because of microphone? A-ha! You got the secret!

Well, I changed my mind… There is no magic in the microphone. If the magic was in the microphone then anyone could go and make their living with music! But no! If you have two singers who have exactly the same talent, exactly the same technique and even exactly the same tone in their voice and you will give them a microphone, another of them will get your vote. Why is this?

(You might be asking what this has to do with copywriting. Be patient and the whole secret will reveal itself.)

Microphone is only a tool. It can not do anything by itself but transfer what is put through! And here comes the secret: What singer feels while singing goes through microphone, out from speakers and influences one who’s listening. Another way of saying this is: When you listen to your favourite artist, he or she makes you feel something you can’t fully explain, but it makes you feel good! And that’s why you are buying their music and going to their concerts. Because you want to feel good!

Now, what this has to do with copywriting? (Or any writing whatsoever.)

All you have to do is, find your audience; find who is interested in what you offer. Use your copy as your stage, keyboard as your microphone and express your passion, dedication and love in your offer. Fall in love with product you are selling! This will load your text with emotion and somehow this emotion passes to one who’s reading it! And the fact is: people buy for emotional reasons and they will scream:

We Want More!
We Want More!
We Want More!

(And if you don’t believe me, just listen to your favourite artist and explain me why do you listen.)

*** Lauri "L.O" Niskasaari is stay-on-target marketer, writer and author. "I own a shop at CBmall and I love it! there are actually 15 ways it shoves cash in my pockets. I encourage you to Take a free eCourse at: ...or you can Browse around CBmall to see how powerful it is:" ***
